Community and State
The platform provides high school students the tools to match their interests and skills to postsecondary college and career opportunities. They can take career assessments and use search tools to develop college, major, and career lists, write goals and journals, track activities, and read a variety of age-appropriate content to develop and expand their knowledge on all college, career, and financial aid planning topics. Students can also launch Cal State Apply, CCCApply, and FAFSA.
CCC provides an alphabetized list of California community colleges.
CCC's disabled student program and services provides support services, specialized instruction, and educational accommodations to students with disabilities so that they can participate as fully and benefit as equitably from the college experience as their non-disabled peers. An Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP) is developed for each student which links student’s goals, curriculum program, and academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, services and/or instruction to his/her disability related educational limitation.
Open the Doors to College is a designated developmental and autism consultant to California's Community Colleges. The website also houses College to Career (C2C), a program created to provide support in the areas of work experience, career explorations, and educational coaching.
Every CSU campus has services to support students with certifiable disabilities. Be sure to contact your campus as early as possible to learn more about the ways your campus can help you succeed.